Jose started this dream 14 years ago as a family-run bakery with the idea to expand and become a restaurant. Through the years, the bakery kept growing, and with a lot of effort as is characteristical of his entrepreneur spirit, the little bakery became at Lonzo's Restaurant. Lonzo's is inspired by his soulmate's legacy and her wishes to bring her childhood memories through Peruvian cuisine. They have worked together since then, to present the most traditional Peruvian plates to our customers. By this, they have obtained recognition in the community, the restaurant industry, and the media as one of the best Peruvian food places in Culver City. Jose and Miriam's philosophy is giving back the community all the support and affection they have received through these years. Their vision is to keep innovating to offer better and original experiences, not leaving aside the cozy and family homemade feeling in our flavors.